Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The idea of there being a supernatural (Intelligent Designer) of the universe should be taught along side with Darwinism and every other design theory. People are so quick to count out evidence for an intelligent designer, but are so quick to include theories on evolution that can't be proven just like the (ID) intelligent designer theory. There are many phenomenons in the world that can't be explained, not even by science. Take for example the power of enzymes in our own human bodies. We know so much about them and what they do, but scientists and biologists still can't explain how they are able to increase the rate of a reaction without increasing body temperature. Or how do you explain DNA, the building blocks of life? Yes we know so much about it, but how did it come about? They still haven't scientifically proven that. What about the cilia in the lining of our body cavities say in the lungs. Cilia lines our body cavities exposed to the outside, for example the trachea. The cilia are proteins that stay in a unified constant sweeping motion that sweep out harmful substances. How they have this ryhtm and what controls them is unknown. In view of the complexity of every living organism and the earth, I am just saying to consider that there might be an intelligent designer and the possibility should not be overlooked.

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