Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Schools hold responsibility to educate and promote healthful eating, and implementing program or classes. Being responsible is being answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management. Schools are accountable for having the power to control what is promoted and taught in the school. Go visit any public school and see the menu. There’s a healthy diet of greasy pizza, fried chicken, fries, tater tots, cookies, snacks, salty entrĂ©es with lousy looking canned vegetables, and coke machines. A nutrition class should be mandatory in school because most parents and most kids are educated poorly in nutrition. Nutrition is more important than people know in treating and preventing chronic diseases. If Americans would take a little time to learn about nutrition and proper exercising Are school doing anything to help with this nutrition problem? For the majority I think, nothing. They are too concerned with kids passing the useless tax test.

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